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Most businesses think that product is the most important thing, but without great leadership, mission and a team that deliver results at a high level, even the best product won't make a company successful.

    Have questions about the conference? Feel free to send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks - we look forward to hearing from you!



    Alyssa KnoxEnvironment & Development Planner II
    North Central Texas Council of Governments
    AICP Candidate
    Clearing the Air for DFW: 10:00-11:00 am | Room H-125
    Alyssa Knox is an Environment and Development Planner II at the North Central
    Texas Council of Governments. Alyssa serves as the project lead for the Water
    Quality Management Plan program and proudly works on the Regional Energy
    Management, Center for Development Excellence, and the Dallas-Fort Worth Air
    Quality Improvement Plan programs. Alyssa completed a Master of City and
    Regional Planning degree from the University of Texas at Arlington in May 2023.
    Doug LewinFounder
    Stoic Energy
    The Electric Grid: 12:15-1:30 pm | Room H-125
    Doug Lewin authors the Texas Energy and Power Newsletter and hosts the Energy
    Capital Podcast. He is a nationally recognized energy expert, particularly in the
    electric grid, renewable energy, energy efficiency, demand response, utility
    regulation, and pollution reduction. In 2018, Lewin founded Stoic Energy, a Texas
    consulting firm specializing in grid and energy issues. Previously, Doug led
    government and regulatory affairs work for CLEAResult, an energy efficiency
    program implementer for over 250 utilities in 40 states and provinces.
    Brian DyePhysical Scientist and PFAS Rule Manager,
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Forever Chemicals In Our Water: 2:00-3:00 pm | Room H-126
    Brian Dye is a physical scientist with the Environmental Protection Agency based
    in the Region 6 office. He is the PFAS Rule Manager and Chair of the Regional
    Science Council. Brian is also the Lead in Schools’ Drinking Water Project
    Manager and EPA’s Louisiana State Program Manager for Safe Drinking Water.
    Marvin BrownSenior Attorney
    The Invisible Danger – Ethylene Oxide (EtO): 11:00 am-12:00 pm | Room H-126
    Marvin C. Brown IV is a supervising senior attorney with the D.C. Regional office
    of EarthJustice. Prior to joining EarthJustice in 2021, Marvin practiced
    environmental law at Baker & Hostetler and had also clerked previously with Chief
    Judge R. Guy Cole Jr., on the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. Marvin is a
    2016 graduate from Yale Law School and also attended Ohio State University.
    Darya MinoviSenior Analyst
    Union of Concerned Scientists
    The Invisible Danger – Ethylene Oxide (EtO): 11:00 am-12:00 pm | Room H-126
    Darya Minovi is a senior analyst for the Center for Science and Democracy. In her
    role, she researches the impact of weak environmental and public health
    protections on communities to support environmental justice and science-based
    policymaking. Ms. Minovi earned a MPH in environmental health from Harvard
    University, and a BS in public health and environmental policy from the College of
    William & Mary. She has been quoted in Grist and Salon and has authored op-eds
    published in the Baltimore Sun and on CNN.com.
    Jace TunnellDirector of Community Engagement,
    Harte Research Institute
    Microplastics in Our Waterways: 3:00-4:00 pm | Room H-125
    Jace Tunnell is the director of community engagement at the Harte Research
    Institute for the Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M University Corpus Christi.
    Jace is the founder of a citizen science project called Nurdle Patrol that tracks
    plastic pellet concentrations internationally to create awareness of plastics in the
    ocean and develop new policy based on the data. His conservation efforts include
    educating the public about plastic pollution, marine science, and protection of our
    natural resources. Jace received a Master’s degree in Marine Biology from
    Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi in 2001.
    Anne EpsteinInternal Medicine Physician, MD, FACP
    Clinical Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at
    Texas Tech University Health Services
    The Risks of Urban Fracking: 11:00 am-12:00 pm | Room H-125
    Dr. Anne Epstein, MD is a practicing Internal Medicine physician in Lubbock. She
    is a Clinical Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at Texas Tech University
    Health Science Center and has published several papers on fracking and health
    impacts in scientific literature. Dr. Epstein has been Chair of the Lubbock City
    Board of Health, Chair of the Board of Health Fracking Committee, and a member
    of the Lubbock Oil and Gas Citizen Advisory Committee. Anne is also a Fellow of
    the American College of Physicians. She received her medical degree from
    Baylor College of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 43 years.
    Jim ThompsonAttorney
    Chair, Northeast Texas Regional Planning Group
    Our Future Water Supply: 10:00-11:00 am | Room H-126
    Jim Thompson is the chair of the Northeast Texas Regional Water Planning Group,
    also known as Region D. He is the also the former president and board member
    of the Sulphur River Basin Authority. Jim is currently the CFO and inhouse counsel
    for Ward Timber in Linden. Previously, Jim had a private practice in northeast
    Texas and also was an attorney at one time for the Dallas office of Passman &
    Jones. Jim is a graduate of the University of Texas Law School and also of Stephen
    F. Austin University.
    Galen RobertsDirector of Water Resources
    North Texas Municipal Water District
    Our Future Water Supply: 10:00-11:00 am | Room H-126
    Galen Roberts is the Director of Water Resources for North Texas Municipal Water
    District, Galen Roberts oversees all aspects of water resource management,
    watershed protection, and lake and wetland operations. Galen and his team are
    responsible for managing the District's East Fork Raw Water Supply,
    Bois d'Arc Lake, and more than 17,000 acres of environmental mitigation areas.
    He also manages the District's water rights portfolio and works closely with water
    treatment and conveyance staff to make efficient use of the District's water supplies.
    Heather DeShonSeismologist and Professor of Geophysics
    Southern Methodist University
    Deep Injection & Earthquakes: 10:00-11:00 am | Room H-126
    Dr. Heather DeShon is a seismologist and Professor of Geophysics at Southern
    Methodist University. She specializes high-resolution earthquake location and
    imaging methods and currently serves as project lead for induced earthquake
    studies focused on understanding the causal factors and physical mechanisms
    leading to increased seismicity rates in Texas as extraction of oil and gas and the
    injection of waste fluids has increased. Dr. DeShon is Chair of the Roy M.
    Huffington Department of Earth Sciences and currently serves as President of the
    Seismological Society of America. She is also amember of the US Geological
    Survey National Seismic Hazard Mapping Program steering committee. She holds
    a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences (Geophysics) from the University of California in
    Santa Cruz (2004).
    Barbara GottliebFormer Director, Environment & Health Program
    Physicians for Social Responsibility
    PFA Contamination from Fracking Fluid: 3:00-4:00 pm | Room H-126
    Barbara Gottlieb is the former program director of the Environment & Health
    Program for Physicians for Social Responsibility’s (PSR), guiding the nonprofit’s
    national work on climate, energy and air quality. Since joining PSR in 2008,
    Barbara has developed program ideas, prepared materials, written reports and
    white papers, and made educational and media presentations. Specifically, she
    has conducted extensive work on fossil fuels and natural gas related issues,
    including co-authoring a 2023 report on Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
    “Fracking with Forever Chemicals in Texas.”
    Tim DotyPresident
    TCHD Consulting LLC
    Risks of Urban Fracking: 11:00 am-12:00 pm | Room H-125
    Tim Doty is the president of TCHD Consulting LLC. He is a Texas-based Infrared
    Training Center (ITC) - certified Level III thermographer and a highly regarded
    expert in his field. His company provides professional, scientific, thermography,
    safety, and technical consulting services related, but not limited to state and
    federal compliance. Doty serves as a certification instructor for OGI and general
    thermography training courses. Prior to starting his consulting firm in 2018, Tim
    retired from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality after almost three
    decades as an environmental scientist, where he served as the Agency's Mobile
    Air Monitoring Program Manager for 17 years, helped create the TCEQ’s
    thermography program, and served as a technical advisor to the Director of the
    Office of Compliance and Enforcement.
    Daniela TowerAir Quality Planner III
    North Central Texas Council of Governments
    Clearing the Air for DFW: 10:00-11:00 am | Room H-125
    Daniela Tower works with the North Central Texas Council of Governments
    (NCTCOG) as an Air Quality Planner. Her focus lies in air and life quality data
    collection, analysis and connection to real life applications. Daniela previously
    worked in science and resources management for more than a decade in Europe,
    Africa and North America. She was born and raised in Germany, where she also
    received her master’s degree in coastal geography.
    Jenny NarvaezProgram Manager
    Air Quality Technical Analysis and Planning
    North Central Texas Council of Governments
    Clearing the Air for DFW: 10:00-11:00 am | Room H-125
    Jenny Narvaez works as a Program Manager for the Air Quality Technical Analysis
    and Planning team. She has worked at the North Central Texas Council of
    Governments for over 20 years, starting after she graduated with her Master of
    Science in Environmental Science and Engineering. She has served on many
    committees including holding a position as Chair for the Regional Air Quality
    Subcommittee for the Transportation Research Board for the National Academies
    of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Jenny also works as an adjunct
    professor for Dallas College where she has taught Environmental Science for
    the past 8 years.
    Savana NancePrincipal Air Quality Planner
    North Central Texas Council of Governments
    Clearing the Air for DFW: 10:00-11:00 am | Room H-125
    Savana Nance serves as Principal Air Quality Planner at the North Central Texas
    Council of Governments and leads initiatives on the Clean Vehicle Initiatives
    Team and coordinates development of the Dallas-Fort Worth Air Quality
    Improvement Plan. Savana graduated from the University of North Texas with
    a bachelor’s degree in risk management and financial services.
    Susan AlvarezCFM, PE (Alternative Panelist)
    Director, Environment & Development
    North Central Texas Council of Governments
    Clearing the Air for DFW: 10:00-11:00 am | Room H-125
    Susan Alvarez currently serves as the Director of Environment and Development
    at the North Central Texas Council of Government, where she manages programs
    related to water, material resources, regional codes, public works, and regional
    climate action. She brings a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering with a minor
    in Geology from Rice University, and about 40 years of varied related experience.
    She worked on the City of Dallas Comprehensive Environmental and Climate
    Action Plan, the regional Priority Climate Action Plan for the North Texas Region
    and served on the Southern Great Plains Chapter of the fifth National Climate
    Assessment that was released in November of 2023.
    Zacariah L. HildenbrandPartner, Medusa Analytical and Chief Science
    Officer of Infinity Water Solutions
    Forever Chemicals In Our Water: 2:00-3:00 pm | Room H-126
    Zacariah L. Hildenbrand is a partner of Medusa Analytical, the Chief Science
    Officer of Infinity Water Solutions, a director of the Curtis Mathes Corporation,
    and is an Adjunct Research Professor at the University of Texas at El Paso.
    Dr. Hildenbrand’s research has produced more than 70 peer-reviewed scientific
    journal articles and textbook chapters. He is also an editor of the textbook
    “Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection:
    Environmental Issues Concerning Hydraulic Fracturing.” Dr. Hildenbrand
    has dedicated his career to unconventional fields of research, and he relishes
    the opportunity to improve operational efficiency and environmental stewardship
    within the energy sector.