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We have gathered experts in their field from Texas and across the country to address the environmental challenges that we face both locally and around our state. Hear about the problems and the possible solutions to remedy these challenges.

Click on each speaker’s image to view their bio and session. To close each window, click on the “X” at the bottom of each speaker’s open screen.

Alyssa Knox

Dr. Anne Epstein

Barbara Gottlieb

Zacariah Hildenbrand

Daniela Tower

Darya Minovi

Doug Lewin

Galen Roberts

Heather DeShon

Jace Tunnell

Jenny Narvaez

Jim Thompson

Marvin Brown

Savana Nance

Susan Alvarez

Tim Doty

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Heather DeShonSeismologist and Professor of Geophysics
Southern Methodist University
Deep Injection & Earthquakes: 10:00-11:00 am | Room H-126
Dr. Heather DeShon is a seismologist and Professor of Geophysics at Southern
Methodist University. She specializes high-resolution earthquake location and
imaging methods and currently serves as project lead for induced earthquake
studies focused on understanding the causal factors and physical mechanisms
leading to increased seismicity rates in Texas as extraction of oil and gas and the
injection of waste fluids has increased. Dr. DeShon is Chair of the Roy M.
Huffington Department of Earth Sciences and currently serves as President of the
Seismological Society of America. She is also amember of the US Geological
Survey National Seismic Hazard Mapping Program steering committee. She holds
a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences (Geophysics) from the University of California in
Santa Cruz (2004).