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We have gathered experts in their field from Texas and across the country to address the environmental challenges that we face both locally and around our state. Hear about the problems and the possible solutions to remedy these challenges.

Click on each speaker’s image to view their bio and session. To close each window, click on the “X” at the bottom of each speaker’s open screen.

Alyssa Knox

Dr. Anne Epstein

Barbara Gottlieb

Zac Hildenbrand

Daniela Tower

Darya Minovi

Doug Lewin

Galen Roberts

Heather DeShon

Jace Tunnell

Jenny Narvaez

Jim Thompson

Marvin Brown

Savana Nance

Susan Alvarez

Tim Doty

© 2024  |  All rights reserved | Earth, Wind & Fire Conference

Tim DotyPresident
TCHD Consulting LLC
Risks of Urban Fracking: 11:00 am-12:00 pm | Room H-125
Tim Doty is the president of TCHD Consulting LLC. He is a Texas-based Infrared
Training Center (ITC) - certified Level III thermographer and a highly regarded
expert in his field. His company provides professional, scientific, thermography,
safety, and technical consulting services related, but not limited to state and
federal compliance. Doty serves as a certification instructor for OGI and general
thermography training courses. Prior to starting his consulting firm in 2018, Tim
retired from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality after almost three
decades as an environmental scientist, where he served as the Agency's Mobile
Air Monitoring Program Manager for 17 years, helped create the TCEQ’s
thermography program, and served as a technical advisor to the Director of the
Office of Compliance and Enforcement.